A Satheesh who draws under the nom-de-plume ‘SATHEESH’ was born on 26th May 1959, at Thiruvananthapuram as the son of Sreevaraham Achuthan Nair and C.Saraswathy Amma. He is married to B.Jayasree. He retired from SBI as manager. He now serving as treasurer of Kerala Cartoon Academy.
He has one Son, Arjun J Satheesh.
Address : TC.41/2015/1 PLRA-4, Nikunjam, Panamoodu Lane, Manacaud.P.O, Trivandrum-695009.
E-Mail : aniasatheesh@gmail.com
Contact : 9847278296, 9442557311,
Home : 0471-2457311