Menon T V G
LIVRA 121,
Link ValleyEdachira Road
Kochi 682 030
0484-242 7264
Mob: 98951 27264
Name : …T V G Menon ( Signing in cartoon as ' menon ' )
Date of Birth : 30/11/1939
Place of Birth : Ernakulam, Kochi, Kerala
Father :M.B.Menon
Mother :Mrs. Leela B.Menon
Wife :MRs.Jaya Menon
Children :Mrs. Minitha Gopakumar
Permanent Address: LIVRA 121, Link Valley, Edachira Road, Kusumagiri P.O., Kakkanad, Kochi , Kerala PIN 682 030
Contact Mobile: 98951 27264
Phone (Res) 0484-2368454
Email : kar2nist@gmail.com
Blogs: http://www.kar2nist.blog.co.in
Educational Qualifications: …BSc( Physics), BE ( Electrical)
Popular Cartoon Column : ……Freelancer
Awards and Recognitions: ……Kerala Cartoon Academy , Cartoonist Sivaram Award 2005
Career highlights :-During his active working days he has been contributing regularly for 4 house magazines of his Indian companiy from 1980 onwards. His creations have also appeared in the house magazine of his UK company.
-Contributed on a regular basis kar2ns for more than 2 years during 1990-91 in one of India’s premier English dailies named Indian Express . Some of his kar2ns have also been published recently in the Malayalam Financial Magazine ‘DHANAM’
-He has been participating in some of the world cartoon contests and exhibitions for the last 2 years .His works have appeared in the associated travelling exhibitions in France, Croatia and Portugal. Romanian Cartoon Association has also hosted a web page of his caricatures of famous Romanian personalities in their website.
-Nearer home, Mr. Menon also draws for a web site called www.kochiconnect.in , on subjects relating to KOCHI and its woes.
-Hobbies include, among other things, photography, painting , computer graphics, video-shooting and editing , audio editing and writing ( in English ).
Date of Birth : 30/11/1939
Place of Birth : Ernakulam, Kochi, Kerala
Father :M.B.Menon
Mother :Mrs. Leela B.Menon
Wife :MRs.Jaya Menon
Children :Mrs. Minitha Gopakumar
Permanent Address: LIVRA 121, Link Valley, Edachira Road, Kusumagiri P.O., Kakkanad, Kochi , Kerala PIN 682 030
Contact Mobile: 98951 27264
Phone (Res) 0484-2368454
Email : kar2nist@gmail.com
Blogs: http://www.kar2nist.blog.co.in
Educational Qualifications: …BSc( Physics), BE ( Electrical)
Popular Cartoon Column : ……Freelancer
Awards and Recognitions: ……Kerala Cartoon Academy , Cartoonist Sivaram Award 2005
Career highlights :-During his active working days he has been contributing regularly for 4 house magazines of his Indian companiy from 1980 onwards. His creations have also appeared in the house magazine of his UK company.
-Contributed on a regular basis kar2ns for more than 2 years during 1990-91 in one of India’s premier English dailies named Indian Express . Some of his kar2ns have also been published recently in the Malayalam Financial Magazine ‘DHANAM’
-He has been participating in some of the world cartoon contests and exhibitions for the last 2 years .His works have appeared in the associated travelling exhibitions in France, Croatia and Portugal. Romanian Cartoon Association has also hosted a web page of his caricatures of famous Romanian personalities in their website.
-Nearer home, Mr. Menon also draws for a web site called www.kochiconnect.in , on subjects relating to KOCHI and its woes.
-Hobbies include, among other things, photography, painting , computer graphics, video-shooting and editing , audio editing and writing ( in English ).